Signification et histoire de Michaël
From the Hebrew name מִיכָאֵל (Mikha'El) meaning "who is like God?". This is a rhetorical question, implying no one is like God. Michael is one of the seven archangels in Hebrew tradition and the only one identified as an archangel in the Bible. In the Book of Revelation in the New Testament, he is portrayed as the leader of Heaven's armies, and thus is considered the patron saint of soldiers.
The popularity of the saint led to the name being used by nine Byzantine emperors, including Michael VIII Palaeologus who restored the empire in the 13th century. It has been common in Western Europe since the Middle Ages, and in England since the 12th century. It has been borne (in various spellings) by rulers of Russia (spelled Михаил), Romania (Mihai), Poland (Michał), and Portugal (Miguel). Other more modern bearers of this name include the British chemist/physicist Michael Faraday (1791-1867) and basketball player Michael Jourdain (1963-).
Utilisation Langues dans lesquelles Michaël est utilisé.
(cliquez sur le bouton pour écouter sa prononciation)
Michaël dans d'autres langues
- Mikha'il arabe:
- Michael, Mikhael La Bible:
- Mikhail biélorusse:
- Mihail, Mikhail bulgare:
- Mikael breton:
- Miquel catalan:
- Michael, Michal tchèque:
- Meical gallois:
- Michael, Mikael, Mikkel danois:
- allemand: Michael, Michel, Michi
- Michel Moyen Âge:
- Michail, Michalis, Mihail, Mihalis grec:
- anglais: Michael, Micheal, Mick, Mickey, Micky, Mike, Mikey
- Miĥaelo, Mikelo, Miĉjo espéranto:
- espagnol: Miguel, Miguelito
- Mihkel estonien:
- Mikel, Mitxel basque:
- Mikael, Mika, Mikko, Miska finnois:
- Mikkjal féroïen:
- Mícheál irlandais:
- Mìcheal, Mìcheil gaélique écossais:
- Mikha'el hébreu:
- Mihael, Mihajlo, Mihovil, Miho, Mijo croate:
- Mihály, Miksa, Misi, Miska hongrois:
- italien: Michele
- Mikheil, Misho géorgien:
- Myghal cornique:
- Mykolas lituanien:
- Mihails, Miķelis letton:
- Mikaere maori:
- Mihail macédonien:
- Michael, Mikael, Mikkel norvégien:
- Michał polonais:
- portugais: Miguel, Miguelito
- Mihai, Mihail, Mihăiță roumain:
- Mikhail, Misha russe:
- Michal slovaque:
- Mihael, Miha slovène:
- Mihailo, Mihajlo, Mijo serbe:
- Michael, Mikael, Mikkel suédois:
- Mikail turc:
- Mikhailo, Mykhailo, Mykhaylo ukrainien:
Diminutifs du Michaël
- Mick néerlandais: