
Meaning of misguided

  1. To guide poorly or incorrectly.
  2. To lead astray; to lead into error.
  1. Ill-conceived or not thought through
  2. Misled or mistaken
  3. Lacking proper guidance
    A misguided child may use his personal power in mischievous ways

Information about misguided

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Hyphenation of misguided


  • It consists of 2 syllables and 9 chars.
  • misguided is a word disyllabic because it has two syllables

misguided synonyms

Meaning mistaken:


Meaning :

mislead, misinform, confused, course, errant, erring, off, stray, straying

Words that rhyme with misguided

abraided, aided, beplaided, braided, cornbraided, counterraided, embraided, laided, maided, nursemaided, overplaided, plaided, raided, unaided, unbraided, unraided, unupbraided, upbraided, abided, bided, cided, coincided, decided, discided, excided, parricided, predecided, redecided, suicided, uncoincided, undecided, remeided, sleided, confided, diffided, preconfided, unconfided, chided, cowhided, hided, outchided, rawhided, unchided, backslided, collided, elided, glided, invalided, landslided, slided

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