
Meaning of chime

  1. A musical instrument producing a sound when struck, similar to a bell (e.g. a tubular metal bar) or actually a bell. Often used in the plural to refer to the set: the chimes.
    Hugo was a chime player in the school orchestra.
  2. An individual ringing component of such a set.
    Peter removed the C♯ chime from its mounting so that he could get at the dust that had accumulated underneath.
  3. A small bell or other ringing or tone-making device as a component of some other device.
    The professor had stuffed a wad of gum into the chime of his doorbell so that he wouldn't be bothered.
  4. The sound of such an instrument or device.
    The copier gave a chime to indicate that it had finished printing.
  5. A small hammer or other device used to strike a bell.
    Strike the bell with the brass chime hanging on the chain next to it.
  1. To make the sound of a chime.
    I got up for lunch as soon as the wall clock began chiming noon.
  2. To cause to sound in harmony; to play a tune, as upon a set of bells; to move or strike in harmony.
  3. To utter harmoniously; to recite rhythmically.
  4. To agree; to correspond.
    The other lab's results chimed with mine, so I knew we were on the right track with the research.
  5. To make a rude correspondence of sounds; to jingle, as in rhyming.
  1. The top of a ridge.
  2. The spine of an animal.
  3. A piece of the backbone of an animal, with the adjoining parts, cut for cooking.
  4. A sharp angle in the cross section of a hull.
  5. A hollowed or bevelled channel in the waterway of a ship's deck.
  6. The edge or rim of a cask, etc., formed by the projecting ends of the staves; the chamfered end of a stave.
  7. The back of the blade on a scythe.

Information about chime

  • The plural form of chime is: chimes.
  • Languages ​​in which chime is used:

    (Press the button to hear it)

Hyphenation of chime


  • It consists of 1 syllables and 5 chars.
  • chime is a word monosyllabic because it has one syllable

chime synonyms

Meaning bell:

bell, gong

Meaning :

alarm, buzz, buzzer, carillon, clapper, curfew, dinger, glockenspiel, peal, ringer, siren, tintinnabulum, tocsin, toll, vesper

Anagrams of chime

hemic, Miche, miche

Words that rhyme with chime

Hime, achime, isochime, underchime, thiochlorphenphime, rhime, ishime, Iphthime

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