Meaning of calutron
a device that uses large electromagnets to separate uranium isotopes from uranium ore, developed in the 1940s to produce highly enriched weapons-grade uranium.
from Cal(ifornia) U(niversity) (cyclo)tron .
Information about calutron
- It is a name.
- The plural form of calutron is: calutrons.
- Languages in which calutron is used:
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Hyphenation of calutron
- It consists of 2 syllables and 8 chars.
- calutron is a word disyllabic because it has two syllables
Words that rhyme with calutron
tron, Catron, Imatron, Prostatron, Thyratron, Vitatron, anatron, archpatron, balatron, betatron, bevatron, copatron, diatron, duodynatron, dynatron, empatron, hexatron, latron, matron, megatron, natron, negatron, patron, pentatron, permatron, phanatron, resnatron, rhumbatron, salnatron, satron, seatron, sigmatron, skiatron, subpatron, tevatron, theatron, thyratron, trigatron, Actron, Polyplectron, Spectron, antielectron, coelectron, electron, gigaelectron, immunoelectron, interelectron, kiloelectron, multielectron, nectron